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4 Common Concerns of At-Risk Patients

August 12, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 11:46 pm

As we’re living through a pandemic, many different aspects of your life have changed. You’ve been working at home instead of the office, the kids have been completing much of their schoolwork from home, and you’ve been avoiding public outings as much as you can. This is especially the case for those who are at higher risk of developing life-threatening symptoms if they contract COVID-19. Your dentist addresses some common concerns of patients who are at-risk.


6 Questions to Ask Your Dentist at Your Cosmetic Consultation

July 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:48 pm

Do you have stained, chipped, misshapen, or crooked teeth? Thanks to modern advancements in dentistry, you don’t have to live with your dental imperfections if you don’t want to! There are a wide variety of quick and easy cosmetic dental treatments that can help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted. Be prepared to make the most out of your initial visit with your Corpus Christi dentist about improving your smile by keeping these six questions in mind.


Why Do I Need to Rinse Before My Appointment?

June 6, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — tntadmin @ 3:12 am

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed several aspects of your life in one way or another. You’re taking extra safety precautions to do your part to stop the spread of the virus, like wearing masks in public to keeping your distance from others. Did you know your dentist is also making necessary changes to keep patients safe? During your next visit, you’ll notice many new protocols to keep patients safe, like rinsing before your appointment. Believe it or not, this simple precautionary step might help fight coronavirus.

Can Mouthwash Kill COVID-19?

There’s still much to learn about coronavirus, but researchers learn more about it daily, like the effect mouthwash has on the virus, which is enveloped in a fatty lipid membrane that’s derived from the infected cells. Although COVID-19 hasn’t been tested, researchers know similar viruses can be temporarily neutralized in the mouth when a rinse containing specific ingredients is used.

Since coronavirus is transmitted by aerosol droplets from the mouth and throat, using a mouthrinse before your appointment is a simple preventive measure to help reduce the spread of the virus.

Why Do I Need to Use a Mouthwash at the Dentist?

Your semi-annual appointments have remained relatively unchanged over the years, but you’ll have a new routine next time you visit your dentist. Generally, you’ll brush and floss your teeth before you see your dentist, but now you’ll also be asked to use a special mouthrinse.

This will temporarily kill harmful bacteria and viruses in your mouth to create a safer environment for your dental team. This is a simple step you can take to help do your part to curve the spread of the virus.

Should I Continue to Use a Mouthwash at Home?

Any oral hygiene routine can benefit from a mouthwash catering to your specific needs, like dry mouth or tooth sensitivity; however, it can also promote your health by keeping your mouth clean. As a result, including a mouthrinse in your daily oral hygiene routine can keep your immune system strong to help you stay healthy.

Although it may not have a lasting effect on killing the virus or eliminate it at the source, using a mouthrinse can keep your smile clean to reduce the spread of COVID-19. It may not be as effective as wearing a face mask, but it can help keep your dental team and the community safe.

About Dr. Sarah Pitarra

Dr. Sarah Pitarra strives to provide high-quality dental care that accommodates her patients’ busy lives. She uses the latest innovations in dentistry to deliver advanced solutions to help you reach optimal oral health. In addition to furthering her training regularly, she had also updated her dental safety protocols to help stop the spread of COVID-19. If you have any questions about our safety standards, or you need to schedule an appointment, contact our office today to speak with a member of our team.

National Nutrition Month: An Excellent Time to Boost Oral Health!

March 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 2:20 am

March has been set aside as National Nutrition Month. It’s the result of a coordinated effort between doctors, dietitians, nutritionists and scientists to present the public with reliable and effective information they can immediately implement into their lives. The ultimate goal is to boost overall health, but your local dentist has a special interest in the process as well. That’s because the higher the quality of food you eat, the better oral health you can expect to have. As you continue reading, you’ll get some simple yet effective tips!


Fall in Love with Your Smile

February 1, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 12:02 am

This Valentine’s Day, instead of spending money on flowers and chocolates, why not take the time to fall in love with your smile? Your teeth are important for more than just chewing. They are also influential in your self-esteem and how others view you. If you’ve been putting your dental health on the backburner, why not recommit to it this month? You can love the smile you see in the mirror by taking the time to visit your dentist regularly to enjoy a healthy smile that lasts.

Don’t Wait Until 2020! Use Your Dental Benefits Now

November 13, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 4:18 pm

Each year, dentists watch as their patients forgo the use of their dental insurance benefits. Understanding that preventive care is one of the most crucial and beneficial forms of treatment, it can be difficult to see so many lose hundreds or thousands of dollars because time, fear, and even money stands in their way. If you are one of these individuals who don’t make the most of your dental plan, stop the vicious cycle now by hearing from a cosmetic dentist who explains what you can do to maximize your benefits and save money in the process.


Healthy Back-to-School Smile with Your Dentist in Corpus Christi

August 25, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — tntadmin @ 6:34 pm

As you prepare your student to head back to the classroom, you have a long to-do list to get them ready for a successful year ahead. While a backpack, pencils, and other supplies are at the top of the list, what about their dental health? You might be surprised to learn a healthy smile can impact their classroom performance, as well as their quality of life. Before your schedule becomes too busy with homework and extracurricular activities, now is the perfect time to visit their dentist in Corpus Christi for a cleaning and checkup.

5 Ways Your Dentist in Corpus Christi Can Get Your Smile Ready for Summer

June 19, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — spitarra @ 6:06 pm

Is your smile ready for all the weddings, graduations, and vacations you’ll go to this summer? If not, you might be self-conscious about all the people you’ll see and all the pictures that will be taken at these events. There’s no need to worry when your dentist in Corpus Christi can help restore your self-confidence. Here are 5 ways that cosmetic dentistry can get your smile ready for this summer.


Help Your Dentist in Corpus Christi Save Your Tooth!

May 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:13 pm

Did you know that in one study by the CDC, over 90% of adults between the ages of 20 and 64 were found to have at least one cavity? Dental problems are all too common, but fortunately there’s plenty you can do to fight back. Seeing as May is National Save Your Tooth Month, it’s the perfect time to brush up on good oral habits. Here’s how you can protect your pearly-whites – and how your dentist in Corpus Christi can help in a worst-case scenario.


5 Dental Resolution Ideas from Your Cosmetic Dentist in Corpus Christi

January 3, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:20 pm

With the new year comes the desire to change and become better. What do you want to accomplish this year? What goals do you want to reach? Unfortunately by February many resolutions fall by the wayside. Instead of making resolutions that are difficult to keep or aren’t significant, here are 5 resolution ideas that you can easily stick to and that will help you improve your oral and overall health. (more…)

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